Physical Geographic Regionalization (RFG) for Jalisco, México at scale 1:500, 000

  • Rodolfo Ruiz López Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental, UNAM - Campus Morelia, Morelia, México, C.P. 58190
  • Manuel Bollo Manent Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental, UNAM - Campus Morelia, Morelia, México, C.P. 58190
Keywords: Physical-geographic Regionalization, Physical-geographic landscape, Jalisco


The physical-geographic regionalization process (RFG) is a way of classifying the geographic space into homogenous units. The differentiation of the units is done taking into account diagnostic indices, according with the taxonomic classification system pro- posed for Mexico (Bollo et al., 2015), in which the studied territory is differentiated into the inferior units of the classification: Sub provinces, Districts and physical geographic Regions. In this way, the regionalization process of the physical geographic landscapes in the state of Jalisco, allowed the distinction and delimitation in detail of 15 Sub provinces, 28 districts and 66 physical geographic Regions. The obtained spatial units can be used in regional studies of environmental degradation, in diagnoses of the condition of the environment in the territory, and as environmental units for different forms of spatial planning, among other applications.


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How to Cite
Ruiz López, R., & Bollo Manent, M. (2018). Physical Geographic Regionalization (RFG) for Jalisco, México at scale 1:500, 000. Terra Digitalis, 2(2), 1-12.
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