Geologic Map of Los Humeros volcanic complex and geothermal field, eastern Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
Volcano geology, Caldera's geologic mapping, Geothermal field, Los Humeros complexAbstract
We present an updated version of the geologic map of Los Humeros Volcanic Complex (LHVC) and geothermal field, based on a
complete revised characterization of the rock units and contacts, structural features, stratigraphy and recent radiometric dating with
modern methods (U/Th, 40Ar/39Ar, Carrasco-Núñez et al., 2017, in press), together with the use of high resolution Digital Terrain
Model at 1m resolution and Google Earth optical imagery. Improvements of this version include refined stratigraphic sequence,
revised classification of each lithostratigraphic unit, updated structural features and geochronologic data; all together providing
constraints to support a new evolutionary volcanic history for LHVC. Main changes with previous works involve the recently dis-
covery of much younger ages for the main caldera-forming eruption. Much younger ages were also obtained for other important
explosive phases. These findings reveal the existence of a much younger long-lived magmatic system with Holocene activity and a
high geothermal potential that requires a further assessment for exploration and volcanic hazard purposes.
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