Aerial biomass maps of forests in Northern Durango, Mexico, using subpixel, spectral and textural variables
Biomass map, subpixel variables, lineal spectral unmixing, vegetation fraction, spectral variablesAbstract
Aerial forest biomass maps available in the scientific literature usually are of restricted access, in static (pdf) format, and the associated studies focus more on the biomass estimation model than on the map. The purpose of this work was to determine the usefulness of subpixel variables to generate forest biomass maps and compare them against spectral and textural variables.
The study zone was located in an area of 11,336.82 km2, of forests in the north of Durango, Mexico. Ninety Six sampling clusters from the National Forest and Soil Inventory 2009-2014 and 9 SPOT5 images were employed.
Maps constructed with subpixel variables with linear spectral unmixing and vegetation fraction (VF) (scale 1:750 000) were comparable with the spectral variables, obtained with the NDVI43, since they presented an RMSE of 56.54 Mg ha-1 and R2 of 0.69, and RMSE of 50.38 Mg ha-1 and R2 of 0.55, respectively. Although maps showed a similar biomass distribution, the model with the VF was more robust for estimating extreme values, had a better coefficient of determination, and in addition it is an easy to interpret variable.
Results will be published as web maps, with several layers of information as open downloadable data.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Juan Andrés Almazán González Almazán González, Jorge Prado Molina, Stéphane Couturier, Lilia de Lourdes Manzo Delgado

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