Cholera in the Nineteenth Century: Cartographic construction and global spatio-temporal modeling
Cholera, Vibrio Cholerae, Pandemic, Disease Mapping, Medical GeographyAbstract
The spatial analysis of diseases allows historical approaches based on the study of the spatial diffusion of infections at different sca
The spatial analysis of diseases allows historical approaches based on the study of the spatial diffusion of infections at different scales of geographical space and time. Using historical maps to illustrate the spatial distribution of cholera in different spaces and years, the objective of this work was to achieve a synthesis that captured the global spatial process of the disease. The result is a map of the global spatial diffusion of cholera during the 19th century, identifying the vectors followed by the disease and the main population centers affected from Hindustan to South America. As a basis for a socio-spatial interpretation, the complete results are presented in a poster that includes the six periods analyzed, a global synthesis map, the temporal evolution and the spatial model.
les of geographical space and time. By using historical maps, that present the spatial distribution of cholera in different spaces and years, the objective of this work was to achieve a synthesis that captured the global spatial process of the disease. The task carried out leads to the map of the global spatial diffusion of cholera during the 19th century, in which the vectors followed by the disease and the main population centers that affected from Hindustan to South America are determined. The complete results are presented in a poster that includes the six periods analyzed, a global synthesis map, the temporal evolution and the spatial model.
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