Digital geologic map at 1:100,000 of the El Pinacate Volcanic Field, Sonora, Mexico
Pinacate Volcanic Field, Santa Clara Volcano, Digital Volcanic CartographyAbstract
The first digital geological map of the El Pinacate Volcanic Field is presented at a scale of 1:100,000, based on the cartographic precedent carried out analogically by Donnelly in 1974. The cartography covers 4052 km2 and results from field work and an exhaustive collection of data from geological investigations developed since the 70's, that had not been integrated into a single map. A database was developed containing geochronological and major element geochemical information, obtaining an updated classification of rocks by using the TAS diagram. Finally, all the information was integrated into a map, under the assignment of a new nomenclature considering chrono-stratigraphic temporality, original name and type of rock obtained by a formal geochemical classification, allowing a total of 573 Neogene-Quaternary volcanic units to be divided into three volcanic series: Pre-Pinacate, Santa Clara and Pinacate, overlying pre-Cenozoic crystalline basement rocks, all covered by Quaternary sedimentary deposits.
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